Channel: witches – HORRORPEDIA

Curse of the Blue Lights – USA, 1988


‘ … and the dead shall inherit the Earth’

Curse of the Blue Lights is a 1988 American supernatural horror film written and directed by John Henry Johnson, based on a story by Bryan Sisson. It stars Brent Ritter, Bettina Julius, Kent E. Fritzell and Willard Hall.

A group of teenagers drive out of town to Make-Out Hill. While there they notice two mysterious blue lights floating around black surroundings.

Investigating a nearby cemetery, the teens discover demonic creatures attempting to bring an ancient demon god back to life so they enlist the help of a local witch to prevent this…


“The acting contributes heavily to the hilarity at hand here, as well as the line delivery and how Loath and his minions always speak with a lisp due to the fake teeth they have to wear. Then there’s the climactic sword battle between Loath and one of the teens, which is easily the worst sword battle anyone has ever seen.” James Oxyer, Obscure Cinema 101

“The prosthetic work on the monster characters was good enough to give them a creepy look but it also rendered their speech incomprehensible. At times, I would hear that a character was reciting their lines, but I would only understand a few of the words they said.” Jesse, HorrorNews.net

” …has in interesting production design (particularly Loath’s dungeon), lighting, and make-up effects (courtesy of Return of the Living Dead’s Michael Spatola and The Resurrected’s Mark Sisson) what it almost thoroughly lacks in acting and storytelling.” Eric Cotenas, DVD Drive-In

Curse of the Blue Lights means well, and in spots shows some shimmer of a good concept, but stale and dated dialogue along with some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen damage the film far too much to even be remotely worth recommending.” Chris Nichols, The Trash Pile

“The limited budget effects and talentless acting cripple an atmosphere otherwise served well by close attention to lore […] The zombies are unobjectionable, if conventional – certainly more interesting than the actors in the fake ghoul masks.” Peter Dendle, The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia

Buy: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.ca

Curse of the Blue Lights exists almost entirely to showcase its monster effects and gory set pieces at the expense of any reasonable character development. That’s fine in this case, however, since the film manages to work up a reasonable level of charm and enthusiasm for its subject matter…” Nathaniel Thompson, Mondo Digital

“Totally laughable with very weak make-up effects (which are, of course, called ‘spectacular’ on the box) and amateurish acting this is only good for laughs at the many horrid moments; otherwise it’s a miserable, miserable time. After an okay scarecrow opening attack it’s all into the toilet…” The Video Graveyard


Released in the US on videocassette by Magnum Entertainment in both rated (92m:30s) and unrated (95m:13s) editions.

Code Red’s 2013 DVD release is an anamorphic widescreen (1.66:1) transfer of the R-rated version. The gore differences, other than a dissolving head and another head crushed by the Muldoon Man, are minor. Approximately 3m 16s of the difference is taken up by a daylight-set dialogue scene in a car that follows the opening attack by a scarecrow.

Filming locations:

Pueblo, near Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA

PC Game:

In 2015, a Hungarian team of game developers apparently created a 1980s Sierra-style PC game based on the movie.

There is also a version of the film dubbed into Hungarian:

IMDbWatch whole film online

Release info: DVD Drive-In | Image credits: HorrorNews.netMondo Digital

Oltretomba – Italian comic book


Oltretomba is an Italian ‘fumetti’ horror comic book series created in 1971 by Stanley Baldock and Dino Leonetti and published by Ediperiodici. It became one of the most famous comic series of its type; in the 1970s the series was also published in France, Spain and Germany.

The comic book was published from June 1971 to September 1986. Three hundred issues and several supplements such as ‘colore’ and ‘gigante’ were also released.

Initially, the erotic component was minor but began to grow until by the late 1980s when Otretomba became almost hardcore in content.


List of issues:

  1. I morti viventi (Sergio Rosi)
  2. L’orrenda maschera (Studio Rosi)
  3. La succhiatrice di sangue (Sergio Rosi)
  4. Il necrofilo (G.Montanari)
  5. La casa degli scheletri (F.Tacconi)
  6. La vendetta dei Druidi (I.Pavone)
  7. Cuore di cane (F.Tacconi)
  8. Maledetti da Dio (A.Bonato)
  9. Il teschio di Rasputin (V.Missaglia)
  10. Lo strangolatore di Soho
  11. Tragico segreto (S.Fenzo)
  12. La bara della bambola (Studio Rosi)
  13. la note degli orrori (A.Bonato)
  14. Requiescat in pace (S.Micheloni)
  15. Le statue morte (Sergio Montipò)
  16. Il mulino maledetto (F.Tacconi)
  17. La droga dei cadaveri (G.Montanari)
  18. è la notte di matilda (Sergio Montipò)
  19. La cancrena verde (S.Micheloni)
  20. Delitto e castigo (F.Tacconi)
  21. La lunga agonia di Patty (U.Sammarini)
  22. La vendetta di Alboino (F.Tacconi)
  23. La quadriglia infernale (Malvesy)
  24. le voci del cimitero di kebek (T.Marchioro)
  25. orgia di sangue (C.Zuffi)
  26. La figlia dei lupi E.Dell’Acqua)
  27. i bianchi seni della maimuna (S.Micheloni)
  28. la sultana infernale (F.Tacconi)
  29. la fredda carezza (S.Fenzo)
  30. roberto il diavolo (Malvesy)
  31. loscrigno dei maccabei (Malvesy)
  32. la vendetta del maligno (Malvesy)
  33. tre zombi per una vergine (Segrelles)
  34. Il passo del demonio (T.Marchioro)
  35. la vendetta dei globi di fuoco (V. De La Fuente)
  36. resurrezione
  37. il terribile odore di satana (Pena)
  38. l’idrofoba (Azpiri)
  39. L’orrendo intestino (S.Micheloni)
  40. cadavere chiama cadavere (Pena)
  41. il cammino delle streghe (O.Benni)
  42. gli alberi sognanti (Pena)
  43. L’esercito dei morti (Malvesy)
  44. lo spettro di robespierre
  45. sotto il segno del vampirus (Azpiri)
  46. il ritratto che uccide (Studio Rosi)
  47. Il diavolo non paga il sabato (Pena)
  48. la chiave maledetta ( R.R.)
  49. papé satan aleppe (V. De La Fuente)
  50. le rosse pupille di hilde (Bellalta)
  51. dal ventre della morte (G.Pinto)
  52. il segreto del labirinto (Azpiri)
  53. i cavalieri dell’apocalisse (Segrelles)
  54. filmato satana
  55. in caso di sepoltura
  56. lo stupro gemellare (Pena)
  57. tam tam per uno schiavista (Segrelles)
  58. le tragiche notti della candelora (F.Verola)
  59. autoritratto di morte
  60. torquemada ’70
  61. gli immortali di stonehenge (Pena)
  62. i fantasmi assassini
  63. polvere sei, zombi diventerai! (Malvesy)
  64. nebbia verde (Malvesy)
  65. madama ghigliottina (Pena)
  66. il prestigiatore
  67. la città dei mostri
  68. il cimitero degli apaches (F.Verola)
  69. la condanna del deserto (Segrelles)
  70. l’immondo regno (Pena)
  71. il mostro della cava di sale (V. De La Fuente)
  72. testa o morte (Segrelles)
  73. dio maledi il serpente
  74. Metempsicosi
  75. i marmi vaganti (Azpiri)
  76. catacombe infernali (F.Verola)
  77. la maledizione dei rochester
  78. Reincarnazione (Segrelles)
  79. baby killer
  80. morbosamente (Ivo Milazzo)
  81. il gatto nero (Azpiri)
  82. il serpente a due teste (F.Verola)
  83. loha il mostro sacro (F.Verola)
  84. addio, figli crudeli! (Nadir Quinto)
  85. i sesso invasati
  86. Cuore di strega (Nadir Quinto)
  87. tre passi nell’aldilà (P.Ongaro)
  88. Il vicolo misterioso
  89. Hydrophobie (F.Verola)
  90. Perversione (P.Ongaro)
  91. la vergine della notte (Jesus Duran)
  92. la sibilla cumana (Azpiri)
  93. chiari segni di lussuria (Segrelles)
  94. il pupazzo rojo (Studio Rosi)
  95. l’ultima curva
  96. Un grido dal mare (Aparici)
  97. La mano del fantasma (Jesus Duran)
  98. il mostro della lussuria
  99. Il venditore di morte (Jesus Duran)
  100. la giustizia degli inferi
  101. la dama bianca di norimberga
  102. il ghigno della svastica
  103. omicidio legale (G. De Fiore/Studio Rosi)
  104. gli occhi che vedevano la morte
  105. la sabbia omicida
  106. il vizio e la virtù (Pierluigi Del Mas)
  107. il letto della virginità
  108. adorabilmente gelida (Azpiri)
  109. la medium delle stragi (V.Missaglia)
  110. gli amanti cannibali (F.Verola)
  111. la signora di panama (Azpiri)
  112. Mors tua, vita mea (S.Micheloni)
  113. la locanda della morte (S.Micheloni)
  114. l’urlo di carol
  115. la miniera dei diavoli (V.Missaglia)
  116. il fiordo della lussuria (M.Cubbino)
  117. unosbocco di sangue?
  118. nel segno della lucertola (Sergio Rosi)
  119. brividi e orgasmi
  120. Amanti diabolici (Romano Mangiarano)
  121. transfert (F.Verola)
  122. le figli della luna (F.Blanc/Studio Giolitti)
  123. La schiava numida
  124. Il massacratore solitario (M.Cubbino)
  125. gli alunni di satana
  126. come nasce una strega
  127. l’ectoplasma coniugale (F.Blanc)
  128. cassa di prima classe (M.Cubbino)
  129. lingua di cane
  130. condanna senza fine (F.Blanc/Studio Giolitti)
  131. l.s.d. (Aparici)
  132. Carne fresca (L. Sorgini)
  133. l’incubo (F.Blanc/Studio Giolitti)
  134. Mostro nascerai (Azpiri)
  135. il sepolto vivo
  136. sangue per un crociato (Pierluigi Del Mas)
  137. il cadavere assassino (S. Micheloni)
  138. il seme del coccodrillo (F.Blanc/Studio Giolitti)
  139. delitto d’onore
  140. stregoneria (S.Romagnoli/Studio Leonetti)
  141. piacere rosso (“E.Puttades”)
  142. accelera, fred
  143. Sangue giovane (Antonio Borrell)
  144. Il cadavere insepolto
  145. satana minorenne (F.Blanc)
  146. bocca a bocca col cadavere
  147. Sangue chiama sangue (Sergio Tuis)
  148. il profumo di satan
  149. Musica crudele (F.Blanc)
  150. il tredicesimo tocco
  151. l’impuro
  152. oro e follia
  153. predestinazione (“E.Puttades”)
  154. suggestione (F.Blanc)
  155. la belva del gevaudan (“Francesco” alias Xavier Musquera)
  156. vizi di famiglia (“Vagi”)
  157. plante grasse (L.Sorgini)
  158. formula magica
  159. donna di picche
  160. di nome jack. (Studio Leonetti)
  161. il sapore della vendetta (Esteban Polls)
  162. salto nelle tenebre (F.Blanc)
  163. il legionario
  164. funesti presagi (Angelo Todaro)
  165. il treno fantasma (Antonio Borrell)
  166. la fattucchiera (Xavier Musquera)
  167. nel segno di nefertis
  168. il cembalo scrivano (Juan Aparici)
  169. il grande mago
  170. la moglie di tutti (V.Missaglia)
  171. spiritismo
  172. per l’onore (S.Micheloni)
  173. il vento e il morto (G. Dalla Santa)
  174. scacco matto (G. Dalla Santa)
  175. in regata col diavolo? (Jesus Duran)
  176. Il becchino (Xavier Musquera)
  177. razza animale (Azpiri)
  178. lo stregone abissino (Esteban Polls)
  179. manicomio criminale (Antonio Borrell)
  180. alter ego
  181. limbo (Azpiri)
  182. il gobbo (Azpiri)
  183. la coyotera (G. Dalla Santa)
  184. il gatto a dieci code (J.Aparici)
  185. il segreto di luxor
  186. barbudos
  187. la lamia (Sanchez)
  188. immonda creatura (Antonio Borrell)
  189. lo jettatore (Antonio Borrell)
  190. pornoreporter? (Studio Montanari)
  191. sinistri cigolii
  192. claustrofobia (V.Missaglia)
  193. l’urlo della mandragora (Xavier Musquera)
  194. sonnambulismo (Jesus Duran)
  195. p*rno shop (Studio Montanari)
  196. braccio della morte (Sanchez)
  197. concerto maledetto (Xavier Musquera)
  198. occhio macabro (Pierluigi Del Mas)
  199. l’eterno custode (Sanchez)
  200. alice nel paese degli orrori (J.Aparici)
  201. il fantasma di hiroshima (V.Missaglia)
  202. la figlia del vulcano (Pierluigi Del Mas)
  203. andante… solenne… con morte! (Antonio Borrell)
  204. Agopuntura (Xavier Musquera)
  205. numeri fatali (Azpiri)
  206. il mahatma
  207. fossili (Azpiri)
  208. pelle nera (V.Missaglia)
  209. mastini (G. Dalla Santa)
  210. l’amica erotica (Azpiri)
  211. Il bastardo (G. Dalla Santa)
  212. Stillicidio (Sanchez)
  213. il teschio che ride (Vladimiro Missaglia
  214. rose proibite (Azpiri)
  215. ghigliottina (Jesus Duran)
  216. il faro maledetto (Xavier Musquera)
  217. erede universale (Jesus Duran)
  218. Foglie morte (Angelo Todaro)
  219. perle nere (Esteban Polls)
  220. il servitore della garrota (Jesus Duran)
  221. cuore di pietra
  222. delirium (Azpiri)
  223. accadde a Venezia (Sanchez)
  224. tomba prenotata
  225. atti impuri (Antonio Borrell)
  226. sindrome di donna (J.Aparici)
  227. la prostituta delle tombe (Azpiri)
  228. né morto né vivo (Xavier Musquera)
  229. Pesce d’aprile (J.Aparici)
  230. Una mosca nel bulo (Sanchez)
  231. rosso sangue
  232. Gli occhi di tenebra
  233. morte programmata (Azpiri)
  234. l’ombra di jack (Xavier Musquera)
  235. il piffero parlante (Sanchez)
  236. majorettes (Jesus Duran)
  237. gatta ci cova (Esteban Polls)
  238. tarocchi
  239. malaugurio (Azpiri)
  240. vento freddo (G. Dalla Santa)
  241. preveggenza (J.Aparici)
  242. dal sonno alla morte (Jesus Duran)
  243. sanguemisto (Esteban Polls)
  244. loto d’oro (Jesus Duran)
  245. Sati (Esteban Polls)
  246. Violenza occulta (Jesus Duran)
  247. lupus in fabula (J.Aparici)
  248. espazione (Xavier Musquera)
  249. tormenti infernali
  250. Vizio segreto (Lorenzo Lepori)
  251. Bocca muta (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  252. Il patto di Janira
  253. La quercia dei supplizi (Dino Simeoni)
  254. Possessione spettrale (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  255. Il cimitero Dei Peccatori
  256. La regina delle tenebre (Lorenzo Lepori)
  257. nel nome della morte
  258. la cripta maledetta (Dino Simeoni)
  259. La notte del maleficio (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  260. Il sonno dei morti
  261. la dannata (S.Micheloni)
  262. Fascino sepolcrale (Lorenzo Lepori)
  263. la casa nella tempesta (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  264. Ragnatele (Jesus Duran)
  265. La Dea del Dolore (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  266. il collegio delle impiccate (Dino Simeoni)
  267. Jolly (Lorenzo Lepori)
  268. Satana nero (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  269. la morte improvvisa (Lorenzo Lepori)
  270. profezia (Lorenzo Lepori)
  271. ossessione macabra (Staff di Iff)
  272. gli artigli della gelosia (Dino Simeoni)
  273. La maledizione sepolta (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  274. offerta maligna (Dino Simeoni)
  275. stupro satanico. (Dino Simeoni)
  276. La fossa degli scheletri (G. Dalla Santa)
  277. L’inferno pub attendere (Emilio Cecchetto)
  278. Il cacciatore di streghe (Eugenio Forte)
  279. L’oscuro sadismo (Emilio Cecchetto)
  280. fluido malefico (Eugenio Forte)
  281. stato comatoso (Jesus Duran)
  282. Jezabel (G. Dalla Santa)
  283. L’insana passione (Dino Simeoni)
  284. Magua (Xavier Musquera)
  285. sogni arabi (Eugenio Forte)
  286. guai ai folletti (Emilio Cecchetto)
  287. tragica ossessione (Dino Simeoni)
  288. La figlia della morte (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  289. gelosia mortale (Eugenio Forte)
  290. il culto di moloch (Emilio Cecchetto)
  291. La stampa erotica (Xavier Musquera)
  292. La caserma dei fantasmi (Staff di Iff)
  293. la silfide (Eugenio Forte)
  294. il diario della morte (Pier Carlo Macchi)
  295. tragica notte (Dino Simeoni)
  296. cadaveri di cuoio (Jesus Duran)
  297. La dottoressa Faust (Emilio Cecchetto)
  298. Volpi umane (Vladimiro Missaglia)
  299. La macchina anatomica (Aparici)
  300. Stirpe di giganti (Lorenzo Lepori)

Wikipedia (Italian) | Image credits: Comic Vine

Atacan las brujas “Attack of the Witches”– Mexico, 1968


Atacan las brujas “Attack of the Witches” aka Santo en Atacan las brujas – is a 1968 Mexican supernatural horror film directed by José Díaz Morales from a story and screenplay by Rafael García Travesi and Fernando Osés. It stars Santo, Lorena Velázquez and María Eugenia San Martín.

A young woman has a strange dream featuring stuffed animals, lizards, sexy witches and their brawny henchmen, and a masked superman who is able to ward off evil by raising his arms in the sign of the cross.

The masked man turns out to be Santo and she asks for his help when her boyfriend is abducted by a witches’ coven…

Buy DVD with English subs: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk


“This dreamlike, atmospheric Santo effort is very different from the conventional Rene Cardona entries, and if you think it reminds you of Horror Hotel (aka City of the Dead), watch out for a clip borrowed from that very film!” George R. Reis, DVD Drive-In

“The problem is that it really doesn’t have any story; it has some exposition to set up the situation, and then a series of repetitive events […] lots of low cut gowns and cleavage, miniskirted nighties on the big-legged minions of Satan, and somewhat sluggish fight scenes with Santo.” Dave Sindelar, Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings

“This is a strange entry when compared to the more straightforward ‘monster mash’ Santo titles that seem to be more popular amongst fans. Not only does it have a moodier and darker atmosphere about it, and a few surreal moments…” Ian Jane, Rock! Shock! Pop!

Basically, this is a cheaper remake of Santo vs. los mujeres vampiros, borrowing many plot and stylistic (the female vampires’ costumes, for instance) points from the earlier picture […] It isn’t as good as it’s predecessor, but it is, overall, mildly entertaining at best.” D. Witt

Offline reading:

The Mexican Masked Wrestler and Monster Filmography by Robert Michael Cotter

The Mexican Masked Wrestler and Monster Filmography

Buy: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk

Mexploitation Cinema: A Critical History of Mexican Vampire, Wrestler, Ape-Man and Similar Films, 1957 – 1977 by Doyle Greene

Buy: Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com


The poster artwork re-uses imagery from American movie The Night Walker (1964)

IMDb | Plot synopsis courtesy of DVD Drive-In

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Strange Paradise – TV series, Canada, 1969 – 1970


Strange Paradise is a Canadian occult-supernatural horror soap opera television series that ran from 1969 to 1970. The production was the brainchild of producer Steve Krantz, in an attempt to capitalize on the phenomenal success of ABC’s daytime serial Dark Shadows.

Krantz hired actor-writer Ian Martin and veteran TV and radio producer Jerry Layton. The series was produced in Ottawa at CTV affiliate CJOH-TV and aired for 39 weeks, presenting three separate thirteen-week story arcs.

Billionaire Jean Paul Desmond is a tragic character whose absolute refusal to accept the death of his beloved wife Erica on the remote Caribbean island of Maljardin leads him to a blasphemous defiance of God. He strikes an ill-fated bargain with the spirit of his sinister ancestor, Jacques Eloi des Mondes…


Like Dark Shadows, this TV horror soap opera suffers from the typical grueling combination of an excruciatingly low budget and rapid production schedule. Under such pressures, the actors barely have time for prep, and it shows, while the writers have little time to write, and it also shows; but this is neither the fault of the actors nor the writers, so they can’t be held responsible for much of the creative output.

On the contrary, they should be complimented for their relatively accomplished efforts under such parsimonious conditions. Although Strange Paradise was directly inspired by Dark Shadows, the writers were able to bring several original flourishes to the show, emphasizing intangibles such as voodoo, witchcraft, ghosts, curses, and transmigration, which contrasted subtly with Dark Shadows‘ focus on the more tangible creatures of the night.

Both programs abound in boring expositions, traces of silliness, and ample illogic, yet both also occasionally achieve magical, Brigadoonish flashes, capturing rare moments of Aeaean enchantment. It’s easy to toss Strange Paradise aside as kitschy trash but it’s more forthright and insightful to recognize its position as a minor fairy tale of the macabre.


Other reviews:

“The actors are poor and quite often struggle with their lines, the scripts are alternately boring and outrageous, the locations limited (many episodes simply cut back and forth between two sets) and, best of all, it occasionally tries to be hip and happening with highly amusing results….” Island of Terror

Strange Paradise, you heartless little minx, I wanted to hate you! And then first crack out of the box, you serve up a pixel-perfect artist’s rendering of what people who have never seen Dark Shadows think that Dark Shadows is like. The only way you could improve on this is to have a raven-haired girl run past, clad in a flimsy nightgown, and chased by a stagehand with a bat on a string.” Dark Shadows Every Day

Later distribution:

In 1993, Centaur Distribution began issuing the series on videocassette. Eventually, 21 volumes were released on VHS, encompassing the first 105 installments of the series, before the project folded.

Wikipedia | IMDb

Image credits: My Love-Haunted Heart

Daughters of Satan – USA, 1972


‘A secret cult of lust-crazed witches torturing their victims with fire and desire!’

Daughters of Satan is a 1972 American horror film directed by Hollingsworth Morse (The Ghost & Mrs. MuirPufnstuf) from a screenplay by John C. Higgins (The Black Sleep). The movie stars Tom Selleck, Barra Grant, Tani Guthrie, Paraluman, Vic Silayan and Vic Díaz.

James Robertson (Tom Selleck) buys a painting depicting witches being burned at the stake, one of whom bears an uncanny resemblance to his wife, Chris.

Unfortunately, Chris is gradually taken over by the personality of the witch in the painting that she resembles, allies herself with two other reincarnated witches to plan James’ death, as he proves to be a descendant of the man responsible for the witches’ fate…

Daughters of Satan will be released on Blu-ray by Scream Factory on April 24, 2018.

Buy Blu-ray: Amazon.com


…Daughters of Satan sports a slow first act, but it completely changes tones after about half an hour. The idea of evil witches emerging from a centuries old painting is cool enough to keep the eyes on the screen, and Tom Selleck really reminds the audience that in his prime, he was one bad ass dude.” Matt Molgaard, Horrorfreak News

“The soundtrack is sure to appeal to those into oddball horror themes, as it’s filled with all sorts of those wacky ‘ooooeeeeeooooo’ sounds that are used all too infrequently these days. There are also a couple of nude flagellation scenes involving the lovely Ms. Grant that, while appealing from an exploitation standpoint, feel pretty out of place in what would otherwise be a strictly PG rated outing.” Ian Jane, Rock! Shock! Pop!

“The whole thing plays like an extremely lame episode of The Twilight Zone, and Selleck doesn’t play at all.” TV Guide

“It’s kind of silly satanic fun, and is so poorly made and acted that it’s all rather amusing. And there’s enough spookiness and people dying every few minutes to keep you interested. This is for lovers of bad movies only, as there really is nothing at all good about it, and the only amusement it can offer is in how very cheesy it is.” CdMScott, Cinema de Merde

” …an early 1970s R-rated drive-in horror affair (with an abundance of bare breasts throughout). The film starts off promising with a light S&M sequence where a secret coven of witches whip a tied-up, nude Filipino woman over a bed of spikes. What follows is a mildly entertaining B flick, with more than a usual amount of confusion setting in.” George R. Reis, DVD Drive-In

“The predictability of the plot and lifelessness of the direction render Daughters of Satan tame and, at 90 minutes overlong and rather dull. In minor ways it anticipates The Omen: aloof, menacing housekeeper turns up out of nowhere, hires herself to protect her satanic interests, keeps a big Rottweiler, a “familiar,” around the house and it growls menacingly at the protagonist, etc., etc.” Stuart Galbraith IV, DVD Talk

” …some metaphysical mumbo jumbo, a few, obligatory seminude scenes and explicitly sexy talk. Miss Grant and Miss Guthrie are photogenic, if little else, and Mr. Selleck, a handsome, virile, mustachioed type, is natural in his confusion about the bewitchery.” A.H. Weiler, The New York Times

Choice dialogue:

Kitty Duarte: “We were married for eleven years and he never once touched my breasts!”

Kitty Duarte: “Prove that you recommitted to Our Lord Satan. Deny Christ! Spit on him!”

Cast and characters:

  • Tom Selleck as James Robertson – Coma; The Wide World of Mystery
  • Barra Grant as Chris Robertson
  • Tani Phelps Guthrie as Kitty Duarte – The Thirsty Dead
  • Paraluman as Juana Rios
  • Vic Silayan as Dr. Dangal – Night of the Cobra Woman
  • Vic Díaz as Carlos Ching – Vampire Hookers; The Thirsty Dead; The Blood Drinkers; Blood Thirst
  • Gina Laforteza as Andrea
  • Ben Rubio as Tommy Tantulco
  • Paquito Salcedo as Mortician
  • Chito Reyes as Guerilla
  • Bobby Greenwood as Mrs. Postlewaite


In the UK, Daughters of Satan was passed by the BBFC in 1972 with inevitable cuts (details unavailable).


Daughters of Satan was released in the USA on November 1, 1972, by United Artist on a double-bill with Superbeast, also produced by Aubrey Schenck.

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Image credits: The Telltale Mind

The Night Sitter – USA, 2018


‘One thief. Two kids. Three witches. No mercy.’

The Night Sitter is a 2018 American comedy horror film written and directed by Abiel Bruhn and John Rocco. The Roller Disco Massacre production stars Elyse Dufour, Jack Champion and Jermaine Rivers.

A scheming con artist poses as innocent babysitter ‘Amber’ to steal from Ted Hooper, a wealthy occult enthusiast with a reclusive son named Kevin.

Her crew arrives to clean out the house just as Kevin stumbles upon one of his father’s most prized artifacts and unwittingly summons a trio of witches known as The Three Mothers.

As the playful, sadistic witches start picking people off, Amber and Kevin form an unlikely bond and try to survive the night together…

Main cast:

  • Elyse Dufour – SiREN; Hush Little Baby; The Walking Dead TV series; Sleepy Hollow TV series
  • Jack Champion
  • Jermaine Rivers – Massacre on Aisle 12The Sacrament
  • Amber Neukum – Schoolhouse
  • J. Benedict Larmore – Dead WeddingRockabilly Zombie Weekend
  • Ben Barlow
  • Bailey Campbell – Bleed
  • Joe Walz – Epidemic
  • Deanna Meske – The Z Effect; Shriek of the Sasquatch!The Final Destination; At the House of Madness
  • Manny Sandow – Fetish Trap
  • Luna Devika
  • Victoria Graham
  • Alyx Libby
  • Scott Marche
  • Jazmine Yurtin

Filming locations:

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

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House of the Black Death – USA, 1965


‘Shock! Male witchcraft in evil terror!’

House of the Black Death is a 1965 American film directed by Harold Daniels (Annabelle Lee; My World Dies Screaming) and Jerry Warren from a screenplay by Rich Mahoney, apparently based on R. Warner-Crozetti’s novel The Widderburn Horror. It stars Lon Chaney Jr., John Carradine and Andrea King.

The film is also known as Blood of the Man Beast (American alternative title), Blood of the Man Devil (American reissue title) and Night of the Beast (shooting title).

Reginald Le Borg (Diary of a MadmanThe Black Sleep; The Mummy’s Ghost; et al) was the 2nd unit director.

Two brothers, both of whom are warlocks, use their powers and covens of witches to battle over the family fortune…


“It’s embarrassing to see old time acting pros in such a rock-bottom movie, although in the cases of Carradine and Chaney, fans ought to have been used to it by this point. Chaney, in robe and cowl and sporting little forehead horns, often looks and acts quite innocent and amiable in his role as the evil warlock while Carradine, playing the kindly warlock, is scowly and sour-bellied.” Tom Weaver, John Carradine: The Films

“John Carradine and Chaney give good performances as a pair of warlocks plagues by werewolves and belly dancers. With the teaming of hacks Warren and Le Borg, the cast is rendered powerless against this dull mess.” Alfred Eaker

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“The only thing that saves this film from being a total failure are Lon Chaney Jr. and John Carradine who have the ability to make even the crappiest material palatable.  And while the script was garbage, the basic story and premise of the film was actually okay. All it lacked was execution.” The Telltale Mind

” …this incoherent mess of werewolves and witchcraft is pretty bottom of the barrel, though it is enlivened by good performances from Lon Chaney Jr. and John Carradine, and the occasional effective use of smoke and fog. Beyond that, this is good cure for insomnia.” Dave Sindelar, Fantastic Movie Musings and Ramblings

“What’s really missing are any scenes with Carradine and Chaney together. There may have been scheduling difficulties but they do appear on the same set (a desperately unconvincing village square) so a ‘cutaway’ conversation should have been possible.” Mark David Welsh

“This lackluster production is hampered by a weak story overstuffed with metaphysical mumbo-jumbo and spiced up with belly-dancers and cut-price werewolves, and it keeps its dueling warlocks (who look decidedly bored with the entire ordeal) from sharing any scenes together.” AllMovie

Main cast and characters:

  • Lon Chaney Jr. as Belial Desard
  • John Carradine as Andre Desard
  • Andrea King as Dr. Katherine Mallory – BlackensteinThe Beast with Five Fingers
  • Tom Drake as Paul Dessard – Kolchak: The Night StalkerThe Spectre of Edgar Allan Poe; Deadly Inheritance
  • Dolores Faith as Valerie Dessard
  • Sabrina as Belly-dancer
  • Jerome Thor as Dr. Eric Campion
  • Sherwood Keith
  • Catherine Petty
  • George Mitchell
  • Katherine Victor as Lila
  • Margaret Shinn

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Spellbinder – USA, 1988


‘A nightmare of illusion and betrayal’

Spellbinder is a 1988 American romantic horror film directed by Janet Greek from a screenplay by Tracy Tormé. It stars Tim DalyKelly Preston, and Rick Rossovich.

Los Angeles attorney Jeff Mills and his friend Derek Clayton rescue a young beautiful woman, Miranda Reed, from an apparently abusive boyfriend.

Miranda has no home so Jeff offers her to stay at his house. But as the two became lovers, Jeff learns that Miranda is on the run from a witches’ coven.

Unfortunately, the coven needs Miranda back as a sacrifice at the winter solstice. She must, however, go to them of her own free will, and the coven tries to force her into doing so, using sorcery to taunt and terrify the two of them. Miranda tells Jeff about her grim situation, but not the entire truth…


Spellbinder doesn’t wind up as tightly as it could, but select moments are pulled off with care, finding Torme channeling The Wicker Man as Jeff encounters forces he doesn’t understand, focused intently on his mission to defend his love. Daly deserves credit for committing entirely to the picture, which retains its fair share of silly business, including a showdown around Jeff’s home as Satanists gather outside, peering and bending the windows.” Brian Orndorf, Blu-ray.com

Spellbinder isn’t all that good but it is oddly watchable. Besides, you have to stay until the end to see Kelly Preston’s devil dance in the sheer white nightie. [..] What this movie really needed was some kind of dynamic lighting to help with the mood. I mean this is a Satan movie with lots of potentially eerie images but everything was so broadly lit across the board that it kind of just sapped away at the creepiness…” Christopher Armstead, Film Critics United

“A pretty hokey mix of occult chills and marginally sexy thrills, Spellbinder is deadly in its predictability and more or less screams in your face about where it’s heading very quickly but it moves at a good pace and offers up enough skin and satanic hijinks that easily amused trash movie fans will dig what this movie delivers.” Ian Jane, Rock! Shock! Pop!


“The movie also has a few good scare scenes, like one in which the faces of all the members of the coven suddenly appear crowded around a window, staring in. A slickly made example of how Hollywood made money off of the Satanic panic of the 1980s, Spellbinder is essentially The Wicker Man set in Los Angeles and is more entertaining than Neil LaBute’s actual remake.” Jedadiah Leland, Through the Shattered Lens

Cast and characters:

  • Timothy Daly as Jeff Mills
  • Kelly Preston as Miranda Reed
  • Rick Rossovich as Derek Clayton
  • Audra Lindley as Mrs. White
  • Anthony Crivello as Aldys
  • Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Lieutenant Lee
  • Diana Bellamy as Grace Woods
  • James Watkins as Tim Weatherly
  • Kyle T. Heffner as Herbie Green
  • M. C. Gainey as Brock
  • Stefan Gierasch as Edgar De Witt
  • Roderick Cook as Ed Kennerle


The film was given a limited release theatrically in the United States by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in September 1988. It grossed $657,446 domestically at the box office.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls – USA, 2018


‘This house knows what makes you tick.’

The House with a Clock in Its Walls is a 2018 American supernatural fantasy horror film directed by Eli Roth (Knock KnockGreen Inferno; Hostel; et al) from a screenplay by Eric Kripke (Supernatural TV series; Boogeyman), and produced by Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment. Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, Owen Vaccaro, Kyle MacLachlan, Colleen Camp, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Vanessa Anne Williams, and Sunny Suljic star.

Based on the 1973 children’s horror novel written by John Bellairs and illustrated by Edward Gorey, the movie adaptation will be released by Universal on September 21, 2018.

Ten-year-old Lewis (Owen Vaccaro) goes to live with his uncle Jonathan (Jack Black) in a creaky old house with a mysterious tick-tocking heart. However, his new town’s sleepy façade jolts to life with a secret world of warlocks and witches when Lewis accidentally awakens the dead…

Cast and characters:

  • Owen Vaccaro as Lewis Barnavelt
  • Jack Black as Jonathan Barnavelt
  • Cate Blanchett as Mrs. Zimmerman, a witch
  • Kyle MacLachlan as Isaac Izard
  • Colleen Camp as Mrs. Hanchett
  • Renée Elise Goldsberry
  • Vanessa Anne Williams
  • Sunny Suljic

Wikipedia | IMDb

Hex – UK, 2017


Hex is a 2017 British folk horror drama film written and directed by George Popov and Jonathan Russell. It stars Tony Broadbent, Suzie Frances Garton and Daniel Oldroyd.

During the English Civil War, two opposing soldiers find themselves trapped in a forest controlled by a witch…


” …Popov and Russell are able to kit out their few characters in authentic-seeming period gear and make good use of the wilderness.  Performances are fine, and the gradual stress on eeriness is effective – there are comparatively few outright scare scenes, and some depend on odd details…” The Kim Newman Web Site

“The build of tension is a little too slow at first, but by the final scenes you won’t be able to look away as the men finally uncover something of the truth. I loved the historical setting, but despite the distance of centuries there’s a great deal here that anyone can relate to, thanks to a solid script and convincing acting.” The Movie Critic Next Door

“There is more happening here than you realize, and it’s to the filmmakers’ credit that you only recognize the film’s purpose when they are ready for you to do so. The result is a satisfying tale with more power than just magic.” Hope Madden, Madd Wolf

“The silent imagery was purposeful, and it doesn’t fill the story with traditional horror elements, but still crafts some eerie scenes that capture the dread of the plots subject-matter with thought provoking result. This is a movie any film-maker should watch if they feel their current project is hindered by a budget.” The Silverscreen Analysis

“Despite some slowness in the film at places and dark nighttime scenes overall it is well done […] But this additionally has rich dialogue, taut direction, beautiful cinematography and some of the best audio capture I’ve heard that captures every distinct sound, as well what lies beneath the story is thought provoking.” Toxic Fletch





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